Classification of Fatou components

In mathematics, if f = P(z)/Q(z) is a rational function defined in the extended complex plane, and if

\max(\deg(P),\, \deg(Q))\geq 2,

then for a periodic component U of the Fatou set, exactly one of the following holds:

  1. U contains an attracting periodic point
  2. U is parabolic
  3. U is a Siegel disc
  4. U is a Herman ring.

One can prove that case 3 only occurs when f(z) is analytically conjugate to a Euclidean rotation of the unit disc onto itself, and case 4 only occurs when f(z) is analytically conjugate to a Euclidean rotation of some annulus onto itself.



Attracting periodic point

The components of the map f(z) = z - (z^3-1)/3z^2 that contains the attracting points that are the solutions to z^3=1. This is because the map is the one to use for finding solutions to the equation z^3=1 by Newton-Raphson formula. The solutions must naturally be attracting fixed points.

Herman ring

The map

f(z) = e^{2 \pi i t} z^2(z - 4)/(1 - 4z)\

and t = 0.6151732... will produce a Herman ring.[1] It is shown by Shishikura that the degree of such map must be at least 3, as in this example.


  1. ^ Milnor, John W. (1990), Dynamics in one complex variable, arXiv:math/9201272 

See also